Clemenules (Citrus clementina)
Clemenules (Citrus clementina) is a particular clementine variety from Spain.
It is a probable mutation of a Fina Clementine.
-Tree features: Tree looks so spherical in growth.
-Leaves: Leaves are green and lanceolate. Short internodes give a nice compactness to this variety
–Shape: Round to slightly flattened at the poles.
-Taste: It tastes so sweet and juicy. It’s a good quality clementine.
-Colour: Light orange to deep orange depending on the time of harvesting.
It starts to ripen from november, and it completes its ripening during Winter.
It usually blooms during Spring.
-In the Kitchen: You can peel this Clemenules with your hand and eat it, its flavour is great!
Also squeezed, zested, are great choices to use it. You can make good marmalades, and delicious cakes.
-Ornamental: It’s a nice looking variety because of its shape, especially when there are flowers and fruits.
According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -8°C.
This variety needs to be grown like a normal Lemon.
If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube
Le forme e le dimensioni delle piante possono variare rispetto alle indicazioni presenti nelle schede prodotto.
Le nostre piante sono seguite con cura attraverso operazioni colturali annuali, come semina, innesto, talea, potatura e rinvaso, eseguite direttamente da noi. Per questo motivo, la produzione non è standardizzabile: ogni pianta è un essere vivente e si sviluppa in modi e tempi diversi in base a molteplici fattori.
Di conseguenza, le caratteristiche riportate sul sito potrebbero variare a seconda della stagione e della fase di crescita della pianta.
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