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Menton Lemon (Citrus limon)

Menton Lemon (Citrus limon) as the name suggest, it’s a particular variety coming from the city of Menton (France).

-Tree features: It’s very similar to a classic lemon in growing. Sprouts are green, with a little bit of purple too. It tends to be vigorous and strong.
-Leaves: Leaves are lanceolate and dark green. Sometimes thorns can be found.

-Taste: Menton Lemon tastes like a classic lemon. Sometimes skin can become bigger but it always depend on flowering and climate conditions.
-Colour: yellow to deep yellow depending on the time of harvesting.

It tends to be a 4 season variety. We can find flowers 2/3 times per year.
It usually blooms from Spring to Autumn. Then, following this gradual ripening, fruits produce their typical colour.

-In the Kitchen: You can zest is to make cakes, desserts, and also an amazing limoncello.
You can also squeeze it like a classic lemon, or use it to make delicious marmalades.
-Ornamental: It’s a good looking 4 season variety, it’s always “well dressed”.


According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -6°C.

This variety needs to be grown like a normal Lemon.

If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube

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