Etrog Citron (Citrus medica) is one of the most high quality Citrons of our collection.
Etrogs primarily are grown for Jewish ritual use in the Sukkot harvest festival, held in September or October. Jews believe that this is “the fruit of a goodly tree” mentioned in Leviticus 23:40: “And you shall take of yourselves on the first day the fruit of a goodly tree, a palm branch, the myrtle branch, and the willow of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.” Trees for this purpose must not be grafted on rootstock like most other citrus; instead, they must be grown on their own roots, from seeds or cuttings; these must be from trees descended from stock known or believed to have never been grafted. The beauty of the fruit is important to observant Jews, and unblemished, shapely fruits – always a small minority of the crop – can sell for $100 or more.
Blemished specimens, and fruits from grafted trees, are sometimes sold for culinary use. The rind is used to make preserves, and as a flavoring ingredient for savory dishes, desserts and alcoholic beverages.
-Tree features: Plant is medium-strong in vigour, with long branches which tend to lignify quickly.
Plants are also usually thorny.
-Leaves: Leaves are lanceolate, bright green in colour, medium-big in size.
-Shape: Fruit is an oval Citron in shape, usually medium in size.
-Flavour: Skin (white albedo) is very sweet and crunchy. Pulp is not so juicy, and sweet in flavour.
-Colour: Light yellow to deep yellow outside. Pulp is usually light yellow in colour.
Season of ripeness: It starts to produce fruits from Winter time, then it continues during Spring.
It usually starts to bloom during Spring time, but it tends to re-flowering more than once a year.
-In the Kitchen: Etrog Citron can be highly used in the kitchen.
It’s amazing combined with salt, oil and erbs to make a delicious salads, but also candied or zested to give your food a special flavour.
-Ornamental: It’s a nice looking ornamental plant for its shape and its fruit.
According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -5°C.
This variety needs to be maintained like a normal Lemon.
If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube