Ovale Calabrese Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Nome:Ovale Calabrese Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Prezzo:€ 20,00 – € 40,00
Ovale Calabrese Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) is a traditional high quality late ripening orange variety.
It comes from Calabria region, where it’s been highly grown for years.
-Tree features: Plant is medium in vigour, compact-spherical in shape, very similar to a Valencia Orange in growth.
-Leaves: Leaves are Lanceolate to round-shaped, bright green in colour and medium in size.
-Shape: Fruit is an oval orange in shape, medium in size.
-Flavour: It’s very sweet and juicy inside. Sometimes seeds can be found.
-Colour: Light orange to orange outside, light orange inside.
Season of ripeness: It is a late ripening orange variety. Fruit starts to be ready during Spring-Summer time.
It usually starts to bloom during Spring time, however flowers can be produced in different periods too.
-In the Kitchen: Ovale Calabrese Sweet Orange can be highly used in the kitchen.
Skin can be zested or candied (amazing).
Also orange juices are a great choice with it!
-Ornamental: It’s one of the best ornamental orange because fruits tend to hold well on trees.
According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -8°C.
This variety needs to be maintained like a normal Lemon.
If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube
Le forme e le dimensioni delle piante possono variare rispetto alle indicazioni presenti nelle schede prodotto.
Le nostre piante sono seguite con cura attraverso operazioni colturali annuali, come semina, innesto, talea, potatura e rinvaso, eseguite direttamente da noi. Per questo motivo, la produzione non è standardizzabile: ogni pianta è un essere vivente e si sviluppa in modi e tempi diversi in base a molteplici fattori.
Di conseguenza, le caratteristiche riportate sul sito potrebbero variare a seconda della stagione e della fase di crescita della pianta.
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