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Diamante Citron (Citrus medica)

Diamante Citron (Citrus medica) is a symbol of Italian tradition and culture around the world.


It comes from the little town of “Diamante”, calabria, where it’s been grown for hundreds of years.
Calabria is the home of Citron, with the biggest traditional cultivation in Italy.


-Tree features: Plants are medium in vigour, with long thorny branches which tend to lignify quickly.
-Leaves: Leaves are lanceolate in shape, medium big in size and bright green in colour.


-Shape: Fruit is a Big oval Citron.
-Flavour: Skin is so aromatic. White albedo is usually very sweet and crunchy to eat.
Pulp is fleshy and acid just like the lemon one.
-Colour: Light yellow to deep yellow outside. Juice is light yellow in colour.


Season of ripeness: It starts to produce fruits during Winter, then it continues during Spring time.
It usually starts to bloom during Spring, but it tends to be a 4 season variety: re-flowering are common in this case.


-In the Kitchen: Diamante Citron can be highly used in the kitchen.
Fruit can be candied (and i have to tell you it’s amazing) or zested according to your needs.
You can also make delicious citron salads with it.
-Ornamental: It’s a nice looking ornamental variety for its particular shape and its big fruit.


According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -6°C.

This variety needs to be maintained like a normal Lemon.

If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube

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Le forme e le dimensioni delle piante possono variare rispetto alle indicazioni presenti nelle schede prodotto.

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