Red Fingerlime (Microcitrus australasica)
Nome:Red Fingerlime (Microcitrus australasica)
Prezzo:€ 20,00 – € 50,00
Red Fingerlime (Microcitrus australasica) is one of the most high quality Citrus from Australia.
It’s also called “Caviar Lime” or “Vegetable Caviar” due to the vesicles that can be found inside.
-Tree features: It’s a very arbustive and spherical shaped plant. There are a lot of thorns, it’s impenetrable.
-Leaves: Leaves are small and dark green coloured, sometimes heart-shaped too.
-Taste: Its taste is amazing. It’s acid like a lime. Squeezing it you can see those little vesicles going out.
Then when you taste it they burst in your mouth like caviar.
-Colour: Red fingerlime skin is red to dark brown according to climate conditions.
Pulp is usually deep-pink to red.
It starts to ripen from September to the end of October about.
It usually blooms during spring. Sometimes flowers can be found in other periods of the year.
-In the Kitchen: It’s highly used in fine dining, for it’s great combinations.
Amazing with raw fish, oysters or meat. Also great with vegetables and.. with champagne!
-Ornamental: It looks great, for its spherical shape and it’s dark colour.
According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -6°C.
This variety needs to be grown like a normal Lemon.
If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube
Le forme e le dimensioni delle piante possono variare rispetto alle indicazioni presenti nelle schede prodotto.
Le nostre piante sono seguite con cura attraverso operazioni colturali annuali, come semina, innesto, talea, potatura e rinvaso, eseguite direttamente da noi. Per questo motivo, la produzione non è standardizzabile: ogni pianta è un essere vivente e si sviluppa in modi e tempi diversi in base a molteplici fattori.
Di conseguenza, le caratteristiche riportate sul sito potrebbero variare a seconda della stagione e della fase di crescita della pianta.
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