White Fingerlime (Microcitrus australasica)
White Fingerlime (Microcitrus australasica) is one of the most particular Citrus from Australia.
Also called Caviar Lime, or vegetable caviar.
-Tree features: Plant is usually very arbustive and it grows a lot in width.
There are a lot of thorns, it’s impenetrable.
-Leaves: very small leaves, round , sometimes a little bit heart shaped.
-Flavour: Excellent.
The typical lime aroma blends with a particular coconut scent.
-Colour: White to slightly yellow.
It starts to ripen from September until the end of November. (It depends on the climate)
Plants usually blooms during Spring. However we can find flowers during other periods of the year.
White Fingerlime is Amazing with raw fish. Exceptional if added to tartare, meat or also vegetables.
Squeezing it we can see those typical little vesicles, that’s why it’s called “caviar Lime”.
It’s highly used from chefs in fine dining.
According to our tests, in the Greenhouse, or in a covered area, it can resist to a temperature of -8°C
This variety needs to be maintained like a normal Lemon.
If you’d like to find out about how to maintain citrus, you can follow us on YouTube
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Le nostre piante sono seguite con cura attraverso operazioni colturali annuali, come semina, innesto, talea, potatura e rinvaso, eseguite direttamente da noi. Per questo motivo, la produzione non è standardizzabile: ogni pianta è un essere vivente e si sviluppa in modi e tempi diversi in base a molteplici fattori.
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